Lisa Elkin
Human-Computer Interaction
Entertainment Technology
I'm a Ph.D. student in the ACE Lab and Ubicomp Lab in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington and am advised by Jacob O. Wobbrock and Shwetak N. Patel. In general, I do human-computer interaction (HCI) research and am interested in enabling people to interact with computing in new and exciting ways. Specifically, I design, develop and evaluate novel hardware devices that enable new input and interaction techniques. I evaluate these techniques rigorously using statistical methods, which I have also invented and created tools for.
I have a master's in computer science from the University of Waterloo, where I was advised by Daniel Vogel. My research there focused on creating new input devices and interaction techniques, and studying various facets of their usability, and using a combination of fabrication and hardware prototyping, software development, and quantitative human-subject experiments.
My first master's was in entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon University, where I focused on creating interactive physical installations and experiences as a programmer, project manager, and 3D artist. I have an undergraduate degree in mathematics with a double major in combinatorics & optimization and pure math from the University of Waterloo and used to spend my free time directing musical theatre.
Sometimes I get on planes and explore the world. I think going on adventures is the best way to gain a different perspective and learn to solve problems in new and creative ways. Other times I play with my adorable dog, Winston.